Shaking hands over the net may soon be possible! Computer Main page| Free weekly downloads| Twitter | Printer drivers| Antivirus | Children safety | SMS| Articles London, (ANI): Hong Kong scientists have developed a robotic hand that allows friends and family to hold hands with there loved ones over the Internet. The cyber-hand plugs into a computer and communicates with an electronic wristband to allow people talking over the Internet to experience the sensation of touch. The hand can grip and shake as well as give the signs for 'OK' and 'V' for victory. It also picks up the strength of the hand movement and is capable of giving a weak or a firm handshake. "At this moment the function is not perfect and it can't copy exactly, partly because the robot hand is different from the human hand in terms of the degree of freedom of movement it has," the Sun quoted Professor Liu Yunhui, who led researchers from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, as saying. "There are also a few errors such as delays in processing and mechanical problems. But in the future it will be possible to produce more sophisticated and more dextrous movements," Yunhui added. The current model is expected