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What is Meditation?

A mind that is in the present moment is meditation.

A mind that is calm, without hesitation and anticipation is meditation.

A mind that has become no mind, and has come back to its source is meditation.

An inward journey

Ready to begin the journey?

To experience meditation, you need not go to a remote cave in the Himalayas.

Meditation is diving deep within.... at this moment.

Bring the mind, which is all over the place, back to its source.

In meditation - your mind is alert, and all other organs are in deep rest.

Repose in the cool, calm, serene depth of your Being.

Letting go

Do you think that meditation is deep concentration? Then you’re in for a surprise:

Meditation is de-concentration, letting go.

To meditate:

  • Let go - of anger and events from the past

  • Let go - of desires and planning for the future

Meditation is accepting this moment, and living every moment totally with depth.

Total relaxation

Are you curious to know the steps/actions - that lead to meditation?

Good news is that, you need not do anything – meditation is not an act.

Step 1:  Relax

Step 2:  Relax more

Step 3:  Relax more and more…

Meditation happens with effortlessness.

Relax in the meditative state – you’ll agree it’s valuable and precious.


Why Should I Meditate

Benefits of Meditation

Are you seeking calmness, peace of mind, joy, vibrant health, greater energy, positive relationships, and fulfillment in life? Do you wish to be stress-free and worry-free?

You can enjoy all these benefits and much more, with meditation. Meditation offers innumerable benefits for your body, mind and spirit. The rest you gain in meditation is deeper than the deepest sleep.

The deeper your rest, the more dynamic is your activity.

De-stress with Meditation

Two important benefits happen because of meditation:

  • Meditation prevents stress from getting into the system

  • Meditation releases accumulated stress that is in the system

Both happen simultaneously, enabling you to realize the joy that you are.

Meditation - benefits for the Body

With meditation, your physiology undergoes a change, and every cell in the body is filled with prana (energy). You bubble with joy, as the level of prana in your body rises.

On a physical level, meditation:

  • Lowers high blood pressure

  • Lowers the levels of blood lactate, reducing anxiety attacks

  • Decreases any tension-related pain, such as: tension headaches, ulcers, insomnia, muscle and joint problems

  • Increases serotonin production that improves mood and behavior

  • Improves the immune system

  • Turns your body into a powerhouse, as your generate an inner source of energy

Meditation - benefits for the Mind

Meditation brings the brainwave pattern into an alpha state that promotes healing.

The mind becomes fresh, delicate and beautiful.

With regular practice of meditation:

  • Your anxiety decreases

  • Your emotional stability improves

  • Your creativity increases

  • Your happiness increases

  • Your intuition develops

  • You gain clarity of mind

  • You get peace of mind

  • Problems become smaller before coming to you

Meditation makes you aware - that your inner attitude determines your happiness.

Meditation – spiritual benefits
Meditation brings harmony within you

Meditation cleanses and nourishes you from the inside and calms you, whenever you feel overwhelmed, unstable, or emotionally shut down.

Meditation brings harmony in creation

When you meditate - you are in the space of vastness, calmness, and love - and you emit certain vibrations. You bring harmony within yourself, and you influence the subtle layers of creation as well.

Meditation can reveal your true potential

Every cell in your body has the capacity to hold infinity. Through regular meditation practices, it is possible for you to realize this potential, which nature has bestowed on you.

Cosmic consciousness dawns in you

With the assimilation of meditation into daily life, the fifth state of consciousness*, called cosmic consciousness, dawns. Cosmic consciousness - is to perceive the whole cosmos as part of oneself.

When you perceive the world as a part of yourself, love flows strongly between the world and you. This love empowers you to bear the opposing forces and the disturbances in your life. Anger and disappointments become fleeting emotions that occur momentarily and then vanish. You start living in "the moment" and let go of "the past".

The confluence of knowledge, understanding and practice makes life complete. When you grow into higher states of consciousness, you become beautiful yet strong - a soft, delicate and beautiful blossom capable of accommodating different values in life without any conditions.

How to get the benefits

To experience the benefits of meditation, regular practice is necessary. It only takes few minutes every day. Once imbibed into the daily routine, meditation becomes the best part of your day!

Meditation is like a seed. When you cultivate a seed with love, the more it blossoms. Similarly, the sapling of consciousness is within you. It needs to be nurtured with simple meditation techniques. Some palm trees yield in three years, some in ten years. And those that aren’t nurtured - never yield! They simply exist...

Meditation is a state of consciousness. Reading about its benefits - can only give a glimpse of its real impact. It’s time that you start meditating!

Busy people from all backgrounds are grateful to pause and enjoy a refreshing few minutes of meditation each day. Dive deep into yourself and enrich your life.

*States of consciousness

We lead life through three states of consciousness - waking, dreaming and sleeping. In the waking state of consciousness, we experience the world through the five senses - sight, smell, touch, hearing, or taste. The other extreme is the sleeping state, where one is completely cut off and dull. The more one sleeps, the duller one feels since a lot of energy is expended in sleep.

The fourth (or the higher) state of consciousness is somewhere in between the waking, sleeping and dreaming states; wherein we know "we are" but we don't know "where" we are. This knowledge that I "am" but I don't know "where" I am or "what" I am is called Shiva. This state gives the deepest possible rest that one can experience. The mind becomes fresh, delicate and beautiful. Hence, the fourth state, where we are awake and yet at complete rest, is worth knowing. We enter this state only during meditation.

The fifth state of consciousness is called cosmic consciousness. Cosmic consciousness - is to perceive the whole cosmos as part of oneself.

( Courtesy: )

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