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It has been fifteen years since Microsoft first released its Internet Explorer web browser bundled free with its operating system. Today users have much more choices in choosing their own web-browser – Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc to name the most prominent ones. This week’s Digital Oman takes an overview of the market share and salient of these various browser clients. As the world moves more and more online leadership in the web-browser market is quite important for the tech giants. Event the search engine leaders try to take a slice of this prominence by having their own toolbars that fit well into any browser client. Market Share While several surveys gives slightly different results about the browser markets share, on an average IE in various versions has about 45-50%, Mozilla Firefox with a 30%, Chrome with about 10% and the rest shared by Safari, Opera and the lesser known web clients. Observing the trends, since the launch of Chrome in 2008, its market continues to rise steady from a mere 3% to almost 10% now. Interestingly, this is about the same amount of market share lost by Internet Explorer while Firefox and the other browsers have managed to hold-base until now. Internet Explorer
Firefox Firefox is
an open-source browser client from Mozilla Corporation, released in 2004 was
earlier Chrome
EPIC web-browser Indian
technology users have taken yet another leap in this browser market by releasing
their own ‘Epic’ web For a free download of this EPIC browser, visit http://www.epicbrowser.com/. Built upon the latest Mozilla Firefox, it provides a high level of security and privacy by providing for several features such as Private data deletion, Private browsing, Built-In flash cookie deletion, Antivirus scanner, Anti-phishing protections Warning system for malicious websites and much more. _____________________________________________________________________________________ The author is a technology evangelist working as consultant at the Information Technology Authority of Oman and can be contacted at sendsangita@gmail.com or http://digitaloman.blogspot.com or http://twitter.com/sangitasri |