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Guinness Book: The Longest
Cooking Marathon
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After cooking up as many as 617
dishes in over 24 hours, an overjoyed Chef K. Damodaran sets a new Guinness
World Record. Chithira Vijaykumar, who watched the feat awestruck, reports
A whopping 617 dishes. 190 kg of food. One man, one day.
Or, to be precise, 24 hours, 30 minutes and 12 seconds. And miraculously,
Chef K. Damodaran is still standing. And looking sprightly even.
He holds his Guinness World Record for ‘Longest Cooking Marathon —
Individual' plaque a little higher, and smiles broadly. “I never practised
this stunt you know. Not one dry run.”
Lucia Sinigagliesi, the judge from Guinness, is astonished as well. “I slept
all night, and I'm exhausted. Look at that man go!”
It all began on December 21, at around 8 a.m., when the renowned chef first
set himself up in front of six cooking ranges, from where he would not move
for an entire day. Under the watchful eyes of Lucia and television cameras
that recorded the entire stunt, Damu initially planned to make about 480
Read the Full story from The Hindu
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